Monday, May 19, 2008

Diet Tip: Lose Weight By Drinking Fewer Calories

As a Personal Trainer, there are many nutrition tips and healthy eating habits that I share with my clients.

But one of my top tips is "Don't Drink Calories!"

If you want to lose weight, controlling your caloric intake is important and many beverages could sabotage your weight loss progress.

Sugary Colas are one of the main culprits in our battle against the bulge. A 12 ounce can of cola usually contains between 30 and 40 grams of sugar. Move up to a 32 ounce drink and you're looking at more than 100 grams of sugar.

When doctors want to maximally stress out your digestive system to test for diabetes (a test called the glucose tolerance test) they give you a drink with 75 grams of sugar.

Ask yourself this... If 75 grams of sugar is enough to maximally stress out your digestive system, how would more than 100 grams of sugar a day affect your body.

No wonder Type II diabetes is so rampant in our society.

Of course sugary colas are not the only culprit. Coffee drinks and dessert drinks can pack even more sugar than colas, and so called healthy drinks marketed towards sports and athletic populations are little more than water with added sugar, artificial flavors, and chemicals.

And alcoholic beverages... well let's not go there.

I know some people say they get board drinking water, but it truly is the perfect drink and the one you should aim for most of the time.

Check out this blog post on America's unhealthiest drinks, it may make you re-think how many calories you are drinking.

If you're trying to lose weight, try to avoid drinking calories.

Go for filtered or bottles water or herbal teas. Your waistline and your body will thank you.

Yours in Health,
Charles PT/PT