Wednesday, April 30, 2008

100 Days Until the Olympics

Charles Here.

I just got this informative newsletter from my friend and fellow Personal Trainer David Bohmiller about goal setting. I think it gives a good perspective on how to reach your fitness goals.

Here's the newsletter article.

100 Days Until…..

Grab Your Calendars…

Got them? Great! Do you know what today is?

Aside from the last day of April and hopefully the beginning of warmer weather (for those of us here in Boston), today marks 100 days until the Beijing Olympics.

I actually hadn’t begun my own countdown and wouldn’t have known without having just seen a commercial about it on TV.

So, it got me to thinking a little bit about goal setting. Picture all of the athletes from around the world who have had this long-term goal of making it to the Olympics to represent their countries since they were “little athletes”.

Right now, with 100 days left until their dreams come true, they have got their minds focused on their short-term training goals and their nutrition goals.

Now, 100 days may not be enough time for the rest of us to make it onto the list of alternates, but anything is possible, right?

All kidding aside, one of the most important things that must be done whether it be in fitness, in business, in education, in all things in life actually, is to define your goals; both short-term and long-term.

My Personal Training clients that have decided upon specific objectives and have also set timetables for those ambitions, have always been much more committed to their purpose and, in the end are the ones who achieve their aspirations.

So, I want you to grab that calendar, flip the pages to August, and circle Friday, August 8th. That’s your 100 day mark.

Now it’s time to put together your list. Grab a marker and a blank piece of paper and get ready to write.

Here are your questions:

What is most important to you that you _______________ over the next 100 days?

Want to learn about?
Want to achieve?
Want to see in yourself?

Got your list? It’s okay to have a couple answers for each question. If you do, put them in order of priority.

Sticking to It

The next step is to post your list. Put it somewhere that you know you will see it everyday, whether it’s on your nightstand, your bathroom mirror, or even bring it with you to keep at your desk in your office.

Making sure this list of goals is visible to you everyday will help keep you motivated to achieve everything that you set out to do.

Another secret to success is using specific dates to evaluate your progress.

The spacing of these dates can be up to you. Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly updates tend to work very well. Take a moment to mark off your evaluation dates within your 100-day period.

One More Secret to Success

Having a “partner in crime”, a friend, or family member that is also using their own 100-day calendar, can help you stay true to your commitment.
It’s great to include your training partner or to make it a family bonding activity.

If that doesn’t work, you can be sure you’ll be hearing from me again over the next 100 days!!!

Best of luck to you and to our Olympians!!!

Committed to your success,

About the Author:
David "Boh" Bohmiller holds a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education-Exercise Science from Bridgewater State College and is NSCA-CSCS certified. He is the owner of "My Personal Trainer School" headquartered near Boston, MA.

Boh spends his days writing, performing health seminars, Personal & Group Training, consulting with athletic teams, and mentoring those new to the fitness profession. To find out more about how Boh may be able to help you, visit him at "My Personal Trainer School" or if you are interested in Personal Training in the Boston area, schedule your FREE consultation.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

McDonald's French Fries Don't Get Moldy!

I don't know if you've seen the movie Super Size Me, but I can say that it definitely changed my perspective on fast food, health, and weight loss.

The movie actually came out in 2004, and the goal of the movie was to document what would happen if someone at all of their meals at McDonald's for 30 days.

Yep, the Director and Star Morgan Spurlock at breakfast, lunch, and dinner from McDonald's every day for 30 days.

Needless to say, he gained a ton of weight and started experiencing failing health.

But, one thing that really struck me was one of the bonus videos in the dvd.

In one bonus video, Morgan Spurlock takes hamburgers and fries from McDonald's and hamburgers and fries from a local diner and puts them in glass jars to see how long it would take for them to get moldy.

The burgers look pretty nasty after 2 weeks, but the French Fries from McDonald's look brand new. Even after 10 weeks the French Fries look brand new.

Check out the video for yourself...

The moral of the story is that there are so many preservatives (chemicals) in the fries that they don't decompose.

When food is processed it loses it's nutritional value and also causes adverse health reactions.

If you're trying to lose weight, you definitely should avoid eating fast food and highly processed foods on a regular basis.

Yours in Health,

Sunday, April 27, 2008

First Blog From


My name is Charles Inniss, and I am a Physical Therapist and Personal Trainer that wants to help you to get into shape.

I am the creator of the website My website is a free resource and the most comprehensive abdominal and weight loss website on the internet.

If you have any questions about ab exercises, core exercises, or stomach exercises my website is the best place to go. In addition, if you have questions about diet, nutrition, or weight loss check out my site.

This blog will follow updates to my main website, but it will also be a place for me to share more tips, success stories about clients and website visitors, and my perspective of a variety of health issues related to exercise and fitness.

My writing style for this blog will be less formal than my huge informational site, and I hope that my fitness blog will educate, entertain, and inspire you!

I'll provide the info, you provide the muscle, and together we can make a healthier you!

Check out my site Bookmark It, Add it to your Favorites, and Use it as a Resource to Lose Weight and Get in Better Shape.

And if you want a quick way to remember my website, you can use the url

Alright, I'll be back with tons of tips and info for you.

Until then...

Remember, Exercise is Medicine, so Treat your Body Well!

Dr. Charles