Sunday, April 27, 2008

First Blog From


My name is Charles Inniss, and I am a Physical Therapist and Personal Trainer that wants to help you to get into shape.

I am the creator of the website My website is a free resource and the most comprehensive abdominal and weight loss website on the internet.

If you have any questions about ab exercises, core exercises, or stomach exercises my website is the best place to go. In addition, if you have questions about diet, nutrition, or weight loss check out my site.

This blog will follow updates to my main website, but it will also be a place for me to share more tips, success stories about clients and website visitors, and my perspective of a variety of health issues related to exercise and fitness.

My writing style for this blog will be less formal than my huge informational site, and I hope that my fitness blog will educate, entertain, and inspire you!

I'll provide the info, you provide the muscle, and together we can make a healthier you!

Check out my site Bookmark It, Add it to your Favorites, and Use it as a Resource to Lose Weight and Get in Better Shape.

And if you want a quick way to remember my website, you can use the url

Alright, I'll be back with tons of tips and info for you.

Until then...

Remember, Exercise is Medicine, so Treat your Body Well!

Dr. Charles